Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Re Open Protocols
June 2020
Cleaning and Disinfecting
The purpose of this policy is to define and establish standards for cleaning, sanitation and disinfection, and re-opening best practices based o then information we know from the CDC, W.H.O. and state health departments.
EFC is dedicated to minimizing the risk of infections related to improperly cleaned and disinfected equipment, spaces and surfaces. Soiled equipment, spaces and environmental surfaces can be a source of contamination to hand or other objects which may be transmitted to members and associates of the club. Additionally, we are committed to reducing the risk of human to human infection. Therefore, the following procedures will be in place to prevent contamination.
l. Access Control
A. Employees will be evaluated upon entering facility.
1. Individuals who exhibit signs of illness, such as fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, cough or shortness of breath will be asked not to enter the facility and to seek medical attentions.
a) Thermometer will be available to screen individuals if requested. Individuals who have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit will be asked to sit for five minutes before being re-evaluated if time allows. If the temperature remains, the individual will not be permitted in the facility and given recommendations to seek medical attention.
2. All members and employees will follow local, state and federal regulations pertaining to personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements to access the facility.
a) Members will have the option to wear mask and gloves
ll. Employee Protective Measures
A. Face coverings, disposable gloves and hand sanitizer will be provided to all employees, to be worn if desired or required.
B. Plexiglass protective shield is in place at front desk
C. Hand washing will be encouraged before start of shift, end of shift and as needed throughout shift.
D. Employees will be prohibited from gathering during working hours.
E. Handshaking and other person-to-person contact is prohibited.
lll. Facility Capacity
A. Capacity shall follow the limitations provided by the state and local government
B. Spatial distancing a minimum of 6 ft. apart throughout the facility is required.
1. A minimum of 6 ft. separation between each member on cardio equipment
2. Group Fitness will have minimum of 6 ft. allocated per person
a) Social distancing may be guided using markings on the floor to denote where members should stand to ensure appropriate distancing.
C. Members who do not comply will be addressed by an employee of the facility. Members who have repeated offenses may be told they cannot access the facility unless they adhere to the new guidelines of the gym.
lV. Storage of Equipment
A. Only clean equipment should be place back in a storage rack or container ready for next use.
B. Gym owned mats, bands, stability balls, etc. will be cleaned by member after each use and available for limited use, as needed.
V. Cleaning and Disinfecting of Equipment, Member use items and Surfaces
A. Cleaning Procedure:
1. Members are required to disinfect each piece of equipment (weights and cardio) after
each use.
2. One piece of equipment may be used and/or used at a time (NO SUPERSETS)
3. Equipment must stay wet for at least 30 seconds before wiping down.
4. Paper towel that has been used to wipe down surfaces should be properly disposed of immediately.
5. If it is unclear whether equipment has been disinfected, it should be re-cleaned and disinfected by member before use.
6. Employees will be staffed all hours of operation to enforce guidelines.
7. Routine cleaning will be performed daily by staff and a cleaning log will be in place.
8. All agents, used for cleaning/ disinfecting are approved by management and recommended by the CDC or state health department and registered with the EPA.
Vl. Specialized Equipment and Space Cleaning Requirements
A. Group Fitness Room and Equipment
1. Floors will be cleaned with disinfectant.
2. Music displays will be cleaned by the instructor at the end of each class.
3. Each instructor will have their own microphone head covering. The main microphone must be disinfected by each instructor at the end of class.
4. Class schedules will be created with a break between each class to allow for exit, cleaning protocols and safe entry for the next class to eliminate congregation before and after class.
5. Members are required to clean all equipment, weights and mats used in class.
a) Instructors will direct members to gather equipment and return equipment one by one to avoid grouping near the equipment storage space.
b) Instructors will enforce guidelines to ensure proper cleaning.
c) Members who do not comply will be addressed by an employee of the facility. Members who have repeat offenses may be told they cannot access the facility unless they adhere to the new guidelines of the facility.
B. Personal Training Appointments
1. Personal Trainers and members will be requested to wash their hands before and after each session.
2. Gloves and masks will be available to use if desired.
3. Members and trainers are required to clean and disinfect space and equipment used after each session.
C. Locker Rooms
1. Lockers will be available for member’s use, while observing six feet of social distancing this space.
2. Members will be expected to disinfect locker when finished using with disinfectant provided.
3. Employees will disinfect the high touch surfaces on a daily cleaning schedule.
4. Showers will be available with a $3.00 charge for members.
5. Communal Areas: Smoothie Bar / Water fountain
1. Bar stools will be arranged with 6 feet between each.
2. Bar and counter will be cleaned and disinfected after each use and on a daily cleaning schedule.
3. Members will be encouraged to bring their own water bottles or purchase a water bottle. Water fountains will be used for emergencies only.
(Sanitizer will be provided throughout the facility)
Vll. Staff Training
1. All employees will be re-trained on proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures for each area of the facility.
2. Staff will be encourage to continually address social distancing as well as disinfecting.
3. A daily, weekly, monthly cleaning schedule will be enforced for staff to complete.
4. Website will be updated with communication of new protocols and expectation for club use.
Did your gym charge you for your membership in April? If you’re disappointed, just show us your April charge from your current gym and we will apply it as a credit to your new membership with US!
Etown Fitness Club wants you to know that first and foremost we are thinking of you all. We understand that during this time of financial hardship, things can be tough.
Together we have one unified purpose and that is to make this unprecedented experience the very best it can be for our community.
Come give Etown Fitness Club a try and let us be your hometown gym!
During these challenging times all Elizabethtown Fitness Club members can be assured that those who are set to pay their dues “automatic withdrawal” will not be charged in the future until we re-open.
Those who have a pre-paid membership will get credit for the time missed, after the Governor’s ordered shut down of non-Essential, upon their return.
Let’s hope we can all get back to our routine of a fit and healthy lifestyle soon!
Update- Tuesday, March 17, 2020- Due to the Corona Virus concerns by the State of Pennsylvania the Elizabethtown Fitness Club (EFC) will be amending it’s hours to accommodate related essential businesses in the facility. “Select Physical Therapy “ and U-haul Truck/Trailer rental require the hours of 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 12pm Saturday and Sunday.